We must increase public awareness of concussions and how they are treated. — Dr. Vincent Schaller, M.D. DABFM, CIC, Director of MAC Alliance

Veterans with Concussions May Not Initially Experience Symptoms

Veterans and concussions

As a special Veteran’s Day salute, we are dedicating this month’s post to the issue of veterans and concussions. To all our military men and women – both present and past—we salute you! Thank you for the sacrifices you make for our freedom.

It can be a normal scenario for anyone who has been involved in a head-injury accident: you seem to feel OK. immediately after the incident. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re totally out of the woods in terms of brain injuries. It is easy to resume normal activities and not pick up on delayed symptoms right away, or at all in some cases—especially for active-duty service members. And when it comes to veterans suffering from the after-effects of concussions, complications can continue for weeks, months, even years later.

How Many Veterans Have Had Traumatic Brain Injuries?

According to the Defense Health Agency (DHA) within the Department of Defense (DOD), more than 500,000 service members have been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) between 2000 and 2024. These TBIs are the result of training, deployment or off duty events.

Concussion Symptoms in the Military Community Vary and Can Change

These military incidences serve as a reminder to all of us that concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) need to be taken seriously, even if an individual seems fine immediately after an injury or accident. Symptoms often don’t develop for several hours (or even days), and they can change over time. Symptoms can also vary greatly from individual to individual. “Concussions or traumatic brain injuries are known in the medical community as ‘invisible diseases’. Since the soldier is not bandaged up, limping, or using a cast, walking boot or crutches, outwardly they look fine,” says Vincent Schaller, MD, DABFM, CIC, medical director and founder of Mid-Atlantic Concussion (MAC) Alliance. “They seem okay on the outside. So, often the soldier just bucks it up, and no one will notice if they are suffering from headaches, visual deficits, cognitive deficits, etc.”

It is important to realize that some post-concussion symptoms can linger months or years later, after an active-duty service person has transitioned to a veteran, says Dr. Schaller. “The connection to post-concussion symptoms in veterans to their time in the military is not always as clear as it should be.”

Many factors, such as age, a history of previous concussions and/or migraines, and even ADHD can affect the severity of symptoms and recovery. It’s common not to even realize that what can be seen as simply “feeling off” is actually related to a recently sustained head injury. While many people relate concussions to symptoms like headache or memory loss, other signs to watch for include:

Veterans and Post-Concussions Mental Health Issues

Concussions and other TBIs affect the brain in ways that can manifest in physical symptoms, as well as somatic ones. Mental health symptoms are a very real side effect of concussions and TBIs and need attentive care, starting with important questions about the patient’s current and past mental health. Follow-up questions should be asked at every visit with their concussion specialist to monitor and evaluate for any symptoms of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

If symptoms are identified, referrals for counseling and medical management can be made. In some situations, a concussion specialist may also refer a patient to a psychiatrist.

Any Veteran who feels they are in crisis now or any family member/caregiver concerned for a Veteran in crisis can call, text or chat online with the Veterans Crisis Line immediately.

If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts and need support, contact National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) by texting NAMI to 741-741 for free 24/7 crisis support, click here for a live chat, or call 800-950-6264 Monday through Friday 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. ET.

Veterans Crisis Line           NAMI Helpline

Resources for Veterans through the DOD’s Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence

For more information, check out the Department of Defense’s Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence (TBICoE.) This center is tasked with maintaining a TBI surveillance database covering all military branches, creating and distributing a guide for caregivers of military members or veterans with TBIs. It is also tasked with the design and execution of a 15 year longitudinal study of TBIs in participants of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

The Advanced Ways We Test and Treat Concussions

MAC Alliance employs a variety of state-of-the-art tools to diagnose, evaluate, and treat concussions. While most individuals will make a full recovery, the success of the recovery can often be directly linked to the treatment and therapies received after the concussion occurs.

Ideally, pre-injury computerized baseline tests can be compared to post-injury results. Once thought of as mainly just for athletes, concussion baseline testing is becoming more common for military service members, first responders and other people whose professions put them at an elevated risk for TBIs.

We stay on top of today’s latest technologies and implement clinically validated concussion assessment and recovery programs, many of them used by professional sports teams across the country. Using today’s latest brain-monitoring tools, medical practitioners certified in concussion management can determine the best recovery therapies and treatments, Technologies such as:

We also have ocular therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) available in our main office in Hockessin, DE. Contact us today to find out more.

Original reporting by Nicole Schaller with additional reporting by Joseph M. Collins, Mid-Atlantic Concussion Alliance Baseline Testing Coordinator

[Post UPDATED: 03/04/24]
[POST UPDATED: 03/07/25]


FREE PDF Download

Concussion Protocol Guidelines | MAC Alliance


Dr. Vincent Schaller joins OTL to give his feedback on how we are not properly caring for concussions long term.

MAC Alliance Concussion Brochure

Click Here to download brochure

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