We must increase public awareness of concussions and how they are treated. — Dr. Vincent Schaller, M.D. DABFM, CIC, Director of MAC Alliance

Golf Outing for Rugby: Yes, We Support Sports!

sports we support

We recently posted a flier on our Facebook page about the upcoming June 21st Delaware Rugby Foundation golf event. We’re happy to support athletic organizations like this.

Some of our patients may think it’s unusual that our professional alliance, which is devoted to identifying and treating concussions, would promote sports, which we know can cause concussions. Indeed, some individuals are under the incorrect impression that concussion doctors are anti-football, anti-rugby, etc.  But the MAC Alliance recognizes that athletics play important roles in our lives, and exercise offers all sorts of physical and mental benefits.

Moderate physical activity, post-concussion, is an important part of a monitored concussion rehabilitation protocol. In a recent study by the faculty of kinesiology at the University of Toronto, the authors conclude that “early initiation of aerobic exercise was associated with faster return to sport, school or work.”

Enjoy, Have Fun and Exercise!

Athletes, with protective gear as available, should enjoy their sport and have fun. But, if injured, they need to be taken out of the sport temporarily until fully recovered. Our goal is to identify concussions, then to safely remove individuals from activities as needed so they can rehabilitate to full recovery.  I spoke about this topic on ESPN last year.

An orthopedic surgeon who takes a patient out of sports for a fracture is not anti-sports, and neither are we. We’re just pro-recovery! As concussion specialists, we test patients, identify concussions and then create plans with the goal of full recovery and a continuation of normal life activities, including sports.

There may be spots left for the June 21st golf event to be held in Middletown, Delaware. Interested in learning more? Contact events@rugbyde.org or call (302) 584-5999.


FREE PDF Download

Concussion Protocol Guidelines | MAC Alliance


Dr. Vincent Schaller joins OTL to give his feedback on how we are not properly caring for concussions long term.

MAC Alliance Concussion Brochure

Click Here to download brochure

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