by antrimweb
on September 18, 2020
Since the start of enforcing safety measures during the pandemic, spending time outdoors has become increasingly popular. As we say goodbye to the humidity of the summer and to welcome the crisp breezes of fall, we’ve got even more great reasons to be outside. And one of them is our new concussion prevention campaign: #RockYourHelmet
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by antrimweb
on July 13, 2019
Ever read concussion statistics about our youngest athletes? Considering that there is not a lot of research out there on concussions in younger kids, we are going to guess that you have not. Despite the fact that CDC data shows 3.2 million emergency room visits each year for children ages 5-14, little research has been
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by antrimweb
on June 13, 2019
We recently posted a flier on our Facebook page about the upcoming June 21st Delaware Rugby Foundation golf event. We’re happy to support athletic organizations like this. Some of our patients may think it’s unusual that our professional alliance, which is devoted to identifying and treating concussions, would promote sports, which we know can cause
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by antrimweb
on November 27, 2018
We’ve got some exciting news for MAC Alliance patients and the field of concussion testing in general. Since 2002, ImPACT concussion testing has been administered more than 17 million times. Now, it is FDA-cleared for at-home baseline testing. Where You Can Get ImPACT: ImPACT Baseline Test can be purchased for $20 at and can
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by antrimweb
on August 19, 2018
While individuals of any age can have a concussion, symptoms may vary between adults and children. Parents of children involved in school sports and activities should be aware of the differences. It’s also important to understand that children may be more susceptible to concussion, for a variety of reasons. Young children may not be as
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by antrimweb
on May 17, 2018
Almost all professional sports use mouthguards of some sort to protect their athlete’s teeth. At least two companies are now offering varieties that are also supposed to actually help determine if the athlete may have a concussion. Prevent Biometrics say that their mouthguard was developed by top neurosurgeons and engineers at Cleveland Clinic over a
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by antrimweb
on February 17, 2018
Like millions of others, we’re thrilled that our beloved Eagles are finally Super Bowl champions. But we’re also feeling positive for another related reason. Super Bowl LII apparently included a greater on-field medical presence than any other game to date, with four unaffiliated neurological consultants (UNC) hired by the NFL to help diagnosis concussions. This
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by antrimweb
on October 6, 2017
Horse racing jockey and trainer Greg Morris also happens to be one of the safety commissioners for the National Steeplechase Association, the governing body for the sport of jump racing in North America. Known also as timber racing, jump racing originated in Ireland in the 18th century and involves repeated jumps by riders atop thoroughbred
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by antrimweb
on September 18, 2017
Football safety has run the gamut from no safety, to improved safety. First there were no helmets, then leather helmets, then, in the 1960s, the introduction of today’s helmets. This head-covering, protective plastic piece of equipment definitely helps prevent skull fractures, but hasn’t helped prevent concussions which cause the brain to move in the skull
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by antrimweb
on July 13, 2017
According to experts like Dr. James Noble, member of the American Academy of Neurology, and author of a Columbia University study that’s recently been widely reported, “Women athletes are 50% more likely than male athletes to have a sports-related concussion.” Recently, ESPN magazine senior writer Peter Keating sums up some important, women-related concussion news, acknowledging
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