by Margo Trott Collins
on August 18, 2022
Imagine waking up in the morning, making yourself a simple breakfast and sitting down to read the news. But by the end of breakfast, you’re completely drained. What’s more, you have no energy left to get through the day. Even simple tasks, like getting up to let the dogs out into the backyard or folding
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by Margo Trott Collins
on July 1, 2022
Do fireworks affect brain injuries? What about roller coasters, trampolines and water sports? Are some summertime activities more problematic for people recovering from concussions? Are there summer activities that put us at higher risks for traumatic brain injuries? While June is designated National Safety Month, keeping an eye out for concussion is important all year
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by Margo Trott Collins
on June 16, 2022
In a white and gray piece that pops off a black backdrop, the artist gives us a unique study of a classic drawing subject, the human skeleton. The artist, sixteen year old Abigail Sabin, has us flying into the ribcage of the skeleton from the bottom of the sternum. We are left feeling that we
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by Margo Trott Collins
on June 7, 2022
When you break a leg or dislocate a shoulder, evidence of your injury is obvious. You might have a cast, sling or crutches for one thing. You might also have visible bruises or swelling. It’s clear to any person you encounter, from first glance, that you have sustained an injury. But, when you have a
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by Margo Trott Collins
on February 4, 2022
Do you ever occasionally forget a name of a place or someone? You know it will come later to you, but at the moment, you frustratingly just can’t seem to recall. Now, imagine if this was a frequent occurrence, and instead of trying to remember someone’s name that you met years ago, it is a
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by Margo Trott Collins
on January 27, 2022
We are at the pinnacle of football season, with the Super Bowl just a few weeks away. We’ve already seen a few head injuries nationally broadcast that left players lying on the ground in the frightening fencing pose. And you don’t have to be a football fan to have heard or seen the phrase “concussion
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by Margo Trott Collins
on January 5, 2022
In 2005, Patrolman Carl Jackson was in a foot chase in Woodbury City, New Jersey, with a person known to local law enforcement. The suspect was a repeat offender who was known to carry a gun, and who had a warrant out for his arrest. When he saw Carl, he ran. Carl was a physically
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by Margo Trott Collins
on September 16, 2021
September 17th is National Concussion Awareness Day. We thought it was a perfect time for a quiz that lets you gauge just how much you really know about about these traumatic brain injuries. Complete this 10-question quiz and see if you’ll learn something new and important about diagnosing, treating and preventing concussions. (We bet you
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by Margo Trott Collins
on September 15, 2021
It can be hard to make the connection sometimes. Maybe it’s a persistent headache that simply won’t go away. Maybe it’s feeling excessively hot or cold. Maybe it’s dizziness when standing up, or extreme fatigue. If you’ve experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) a few days, weeks or months ago, you wouldn’t necessarily relate those
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by Margo Trott Collins
on September 1, 2021
When we discuss school athletes at risk for concussions, the first sports that usually come to mind are high-impact ones—especially football. In a 2020 study from the Michigan-based Henry Ford Health System’s Sports Medicine Research team, records of 357 high school athletes who sustained concussions between ages 14 to 18 were studied between 2013 and
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