by antrimweb
on May 17, 2018
Almost all professional sports use mouthguards of some sort to protect their athlete’s teeth. At least two companies are now offering varieties that are also supposed to actually help determine if the athlete may have a concussion. Prevent Biometrics say that their mouthguard was developed by top neurosurgeons and engineers at Cleveland Clinic over a
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by antrimweb
on April 15, 2018
You don’t have to be a brawny football or hockey player to sustain a concussion. A simple fall can be all it takes to wreak havoc on a life, as our patient Monica K. found out all too well. After a nasty October 2015 fall resulted in a severe concussion, Monica, retired as well as
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by antrimweb
on March 21, 2018
Big news in concussion detection! And it’s good news for the MAC Alliance, medical practitioners everywhere and patients alike. A blood test that may help diagnose concussions has been reported in nearly every major newspaper in the country. In fact, the FDA has recently approved Banyan Biomarker’s Brain Trauma Indictor which will aid in concussion evaluation
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by antrimweb
on February 17, 2018
Like millions of others, we’re thrilled that our beloved Eagles are finally Super Bowl champions. But we’re also feeling positive for another related reason. Super Bowl LII apparently included a greater on-field medical presence than any other game to date, with four unaffiliated neurological consultants (UNC) hired by the NFL to help diagnosis concussions. This
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by antrimweb
on January 29, 2018
When your young child complains of tiredness and seems sad days after a head injury, would you relate these “symptoms” to a recent concussion? Chances are the answer is no. While many children may complain of headache, dizziness, or, even worse, lose consciousness after a concussion, more subtle signs, like moodiness or sensitivity to light
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by antrimweb
on December 11, 2017
We’re wrapping up 2017 (and the first year of our new blog!) by re-capping with ten of the most interesting concussion topics in the news. Stories like these offer promising hope for more concussion research as well as greater discussion and awareness. This in turn will help not just athletes but our society overall as
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by antrimweb
on November 16, 2017
Worried you’re not recovering fast enough from a concussion? In response to numerous requests, along with our ongoing efforts to continually offer new coping strategies for our concussion patients, the MAC Alliance is pleased to announce we’re starting a monthly concussion support group. The group will meet at our Hockessin MAC Concussion Center every four
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by antrimweb
on October 6, 2017
Horse racing jockey and trainer Greg Morris also happens to be one of the safety commissioners for the National Steeplechase Association, the governing body for the sport of jump racing in North America. Known also as timber racing, jump racing originated in Ireland in the 18th century and involves repeated jumps by riders atop thoroughbred
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by antrimweb
on September 18, 2017
Football safety has run the gamut from no safety, to improved safety. First there were no helmets, then leather helmets, then, in the 1960s, the introduction of today’s helmets. This head-covering, protective plastic piece of equipment definitely helps prevent skull fractures, but hasn’t helped prevent concussions which cause the brain to move in the skull
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by antrimweb
on August 11, 2017
We’re always pleased to read about any sort of research that’s being conducted when it comes to brain injuries. The latest we’re noting are studies linking brain injuries to other diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and even amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Caveat: We’re not into fear mongering, so we’ll start out by saying that lots
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